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Writer's picture: Nikkisha LawrenceNikkisha Lawrence

I am set out to finish the race Christ specifically designed for me and His glory.

Life is filled with endless possibilities. We have dreams, goals, and visions at the present moment and for the future. God delights in the fact that we have aspirations and are working towards fulfilling them. As kids we grew up dreaming of a life where we would marry the most amazing person, have a career in our dream job, have beautiful kids, and live the American dream—a life of prosperity and happiness. But fast forward a few decades later, and you wake up to suddenly realize that you are not living the life you’ve always hoped to live.

You’ve prayed. Worked hard. And did the right things; but, no matter what, you always end up feeling the weight of disappointment and broken dreams. At times, it is even hard to wake up in the morning. You have to drag yourself out of bed and keep reminding yourself that you need the job you’re currently in because, honestly, the bills are not going to pay for themselves.

Is this what life is supposed to be like? Is this all there is to life?

I wrestle with the same questions at times. I have even tried my hardest not to hope for anything too much, expect too much, or count on anything or anyone because of a fear of being disappointed when -the thing- I am hoping for doesn’t happen.

Then, I swift through social media and see people enjoying the things that I do not have and often wonder: What is wrong with me? Why can’t I be content? Why do I have to undergo so many trials when other people seem to just be breezing through life? Why do I have the messy past and the unfulfilled dreams?

Then the Holy Spirit stops me and reminds me that I am about to enter into a dangerous territory called COMPARISON.

Comparison is one of those subtle sins that either causes us to be prideful when we realize that we have it better than others or triggers emotions of despair and self-pity. We tell ourselves: maybe if I had a different personality I would have a better life; or if I was prettier or more handsome. If I was smarter. Wiser. More talented. If I didn’t waste all of that time on the wrong people and pursuing the wrong things. We start to feel bad about ourselves. Our lives. And we live in regret because of the things that we have done, the time that we have wasted, and the chances that we’ve never taken.

You see comparison never fails to do one thing—cover our eyes and inhibit us from seeing the real truth. All of those people who seem to ‘have it all’ and appear to be living ‘the life’ are people who go through the same struggles that we are going through. They’re just good at covering it up.

No matter who you are and what you do, people everywhere are always striving for more. That young couple who just got married are discontent because now they want a baby, or that manager of that amazing company is not happy because he/she want a promotion, or that beautiful model who cries herself to sleep every night because she can’t shake off her feelings of shame and guilt.

The truth is that we are always going to want more because we have never managed to be content with where we are at in life.

I want to remind you and myself that there is more. ETERNITY and JESUS. Paul said, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want” (Philippians 4: 11-12).

True joy and contentment comes in realizing that our God is enough. So much so that if I never get what I want, I can rest assured that I can find everything that I need and more in Jesus Christ. His love is enough. His presence is enough. His grace is enough. He is holy, perfect, and He will never let me down.

Sometimes God will allow us to go through disappointments and heartache just to remind us that nothing on this earth can ever satisfy us but Him. “Jesus answered,Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life’” (John 4: 13-14).

If right now you are thirsting for more, I encourage you to turn to the well that will never leave you thirsty or wanting for more.



© 2024 by The AbundantLife Ministry Movement Inc. 

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